Yes, it's redesign season on the web, boys and girls. What a great time of year. Here's my latest. Whaddya think?

The big feature this time is the pic-of-the-day, on the right. I decided to use some of the several thousand pictures sitting on my hard drive (no, not *those* pictures!) for something a bit more interesting than sitting on my hard drive. Sometimes, I'll post old pictures that have no relevancy to anything. Sometimes, new. Sometimes, I'll annotate them here. Sometimes, I won't. Sometimes, the pictures will be bad. Sometimes, good. Sometimes, they'll be of me. Sometimes, you. But, no matter what, every day a new pic. And all taken by me. Or someone who used my camera. Or someone else's camera, like Meg's, which happened to be downloaded to my computer. But mostly by me. Aren't you excited?

Oh: One thing I need to do yet is add a way to navigate to past pics-of-the-day. Until I do that, I guess you'll have to tune in every day or risk being laughed at by your buddies at the bar after work, as they share analysis and critiques of the evhead pic-of-the-day. And I know you don't want to risk that!

Other notes on the redesign: The evhead logo thingy and the navigation use Kottke's Silkscreen font (thanks, Jason!). I was pickier this time about resolution -- the design won't work well at 640x480 ( Also, there are no FONT tags (well, maybe one). All formatting is CSS. (Yes!) It should still be readable by non-CSS browsers, it just won't look good. The default font used for the body text is Andale Mono (get it here). If you don't have that, you'll see your default monospace font. (Mmmm...monospace.) If you're using IE4+, you'll see my head on the left grow and shrink as you resize the page. If you're using Netscape, you unfortunately won't be in on this fun, since Netscape doesn't allow you to set the width of a picture relative to the table cell it's in. Argh.