I'm usually not big on Microsoft-conspiracy theories, but Dvorak's column, "The Cross-Site Scripting Scam" needs reading. He points to an MS document about the supposed security threat that, amazingly, recommends you, "Avoid promiscuous web browsing. Stick to browsing sites that you trust not to take malicious action against you." Dvorak: "Wouldn't it be nice if we all stopped surfing and settled in at MSN.com or AOL? Then we could buy more things, right? Does anyone see a hidden agenda in all this?...I smell a rat." Of course, part of me wonders if the behemoth is really this coordinated. It could just be that paranoid (not always practical) security people recommended the safest possible action, because being paranoid is their job. I don't know, though, it does seem odd.

One of the reader responses on the ZDNet site reads, "The word 'promiscuous' in modern usage almost exclusively designates sexual activity with numerous partners. This is accompanied by a definite suggestion of whoredom and a strong inference of contagion (STD’s, in other words). All this in one word. Employed to refer to certain types of eating habits, or any kind of carelessness in nonsexual activities, is now almost archaic usage. So, what are we to make of Redmond’s use of this not-so-neutral word in one of its public pronouncements? It’s simple – don’t be a Web-skank, mind your betters, and keep your e-knees together." Be safe kids.