You know how you go to some sites (not to pick on Lance or anything, his just happens to be the one I noticed most recently) and then try to go back to where you were before, but your back button doesn't seem to work? The same page just keeps reloading? Annoying, huh? Usually, this is because the author has put some script on the first page that checks to see what browser you're using or checks cookies you may or may not have and then quickly sends you to another page designed for your browser and/or cookie status. So what's my point? My point is that this is unecessarily annoying. The exact same thing could be accomplished, without disabling your back button, by simply using this line of code: location.replace("index2.html") instead of this more well-known line of code: location.href="index2.html". Maybe people don't know this? Maybe people just do it to keep you on their site?