Ev's Next Pic Viewer: I wrote a web-app the other day. It's called Ev's Next Pic Viewer. It's kinda handy. Here's how it works: Say you've got a directory of photos, such as this. When you have a directory of photos such as this, what you normally do, if you want to look at the photos, is you click on the first one, then click your back button, click on the second one...etc. Not a big deal, but kind of tedious, right? Well, what you can do with Ev's Next Pic Viewer is you can load that diretory into a frame and just click next, next, next. Like this. Groovy, eh? Now, the key is the sequential numbers all these pics end with. If they aren't nice and neatly ordered like this, it won't work. This isn't always the case, but it's pretty common -- especially when the pics have been uploaded from a digital camera. But wait! There's more: You don't necessarily have to be looking a directory of photos for this to be useful. For example, imagine someone sends you (or posts) a link to something like this. You may think....hmmm, that looks interesting, I wonder if there might be some more where that came from. So, what you can do is load the URL into Ev's Next Pic Viewer and discover, indeed, there are more where that came from. This isn't something you can't do manually, of course, by just incrementing the URL by one. But Ev's Pic Viewer makes the sneaky fun more efficient. And fun.