Blogger is all better. Phew. I just spend all damn day (with half the other Pyrates) trying to figure out the indecipherable performance problems with Blogger. I really should be doing other things, but, then, if Blogger's not working those other things don't really matter, so I shouldn't. This was especially disheartening, since last night we more than doubled the amount of RAM in the main web server, so I expected everything to be running much better today. We wondered if all the new users (500 yesterday!) had brought us to a new ceiling in our scalability. We have a new, much-more-scalable back-end almost ready to go, but it's not in production yet. After banging our heads against the wall all day, we found that one of the servers decided that accessing one of the other ones should take a really, really long time if done via machine name (as it had always done before). But we discovered it would still be speedy if done by IP address. Once we discovered that and made the appropriate change, everything was okay again. Man, computers are fickle. If you're a Blogger user, sorry for the inconvenience. We're getting better. Just the occasional trips along the path, ya know? Okay, now, back to work...