I thought about, if I were to get up on stage, promising that we would make the Mac version as good as the Windows one. Fortunately, I didn't have to do that. Actually, what I thought I'd seriously say, in response to the guy who named everyone on their product team -- in part response to the Microsoft guy who referred to the 200-person team who would be thrilled with their award -- was to name everyone in the company, which I think would have been a record. In smallness. Or something.
Speaking of which, Caterina and I were talking about how the industry -- and awards thingies like this -- is more like the sports world than some other industries. (This was in response to my note that, man, these people sure like to toot their own horns. "Yeah, we did create a great product, and we deserve this. It's really awesome. We rock. Go us!") However, unlike most sports, you don't compete with other people in your "league." You compete across the board, no matter your size or population. I'm not complaining about this. Actually, it's cool, because that means anyone can get the rewards of the big leagues if they succeed. But I always find it interesting when we're up for awards against Macromedia (which has happened twice now). Of course, other than awards (which, no, I don't take that seriously. really! <sob>), we don't really compete with them in any way.