Like being there. It takes a bit of digging to find out this is not Ian Clarke's blog, but Jim "ackme" Gallagher's (who you will find if you scroll down on the P2P Conference speakers page). Jim spoke today on P2P and the Future of DNS. I didn't see his talk, so I can't tell you want the future of DNS is. I find that vaguely interesting, but one of those problems I think I'll leave up to others. Anyway, Ackme has posted some great first-hand accounts of the conference for the last two days. A tidbit from yesterday's overview:
To me, this is a hell of a lot more interesting than any of the official reports. Imagine if a lot more people gave their own personal accounts of events (and there were an easy way to find them). Talk about collaborative journalism. It's easy to see why this is going to play a bigger and bigger role in the future of news. Real people, giving reports from the front lines, as they see it. Can't beat it!
But there is still plenty of fun to keep everyone busy. As I am writing this, a group of developers has seized a corner of the "terminal room" so kindly provided by O'Reilly, and are plotting the release of the first beta of their software. And it isn't anything that will make them rich. It is sort of a way to "Napsterize" the anonymous P2P protocol Freenet.
To me, this is a hell of a lot more interesting than any of the official reports. Imagine if a lot more people gave their own personal accounts of events (and there were an easy way to find them). Talk about collaborative journalism. It's easy to see why this is going to play a bigger and bigger role in the future of news. Real people, giving reports from the front lines, as they see it. Can't beat it!