Talking with the Giant Floating Brain

Talking with the Giant Floating Brain. Since it is stroke-my-ego day here at evhead™ (What did you expect to find here, news about you?), I would be remiss to not point to Labs, Robots, and Giant Floating Brains: The Amazingly True Story of Blogger!, in which the infamous Biz Stone, Genius asks me penetrating questions, such as, "Ev, isn't it true that you are actually a robot—not a human—and this is how you are able to continue offering the Blogger service?" Also, I should follow up on this quote: the end of this week, I should be able to announce a deal or two I've been working on that will provide enough income to keep the service up for quite some time—even without charging for it—and that will also be complimentary to a longer-term strategy.

Since I didn't announce anything, one might think things haven't gone well. But, in fact, they have. Things are good. As you might know by now, I'm just better at talking about potentially announcing things than actually announcing them—even when they do, in fact, happen. (Actually, in this case, I'm working with the other companies and just can't say anything yet.)

By the way, I have a theory: Biz is projecting. He is, actually, a giant, floating brain. After all, he is a genius. And, I'm told, no one has ever seen him in person. And that photo? Obviously a model from a stock archive.