Zing Shutting Down Zing.com, Looks to Reinvent Itself: "Zing will now focus its efforts on becoming a full-fledged infrastructure provider." Isn't this actually at least their second reinvention? Unless I'm mistaken, Zing was first a platform for full-browser interstitials that could keep you entertained while you were waiting for the next page to download. In retrospect, not a great idea, perhaps, but you gotta love persistence (seriously). Doesn't it seem like soon, though, everyone will be an "infrastructure provider," and they'll be no one to provide infrastructure to? Actually, there will be: old-line companies that are not using the Internet as a profit center, but as a marketing and customer service tool (or, simply, a cost of doing business). Case in point: Zing's first customers include Nikon and Sony.
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