Speaking of Kuro5hin, at the P2P Journalism panel at SXSW, Rusty mentioned that one of the problems with blogs as journalistic vehicles was their short attention spansthey flutter from one thing to the next and don't cover things in any depth. I argued that the opposite was true in many cases and the weblogs often covered stories as they unfolded or special interests over a period of timemoreso than traditional media. What I realized later was that I was thinking mostly of magazineswhere a story about a company or technology (to compare to the type of stuff I write about) will come out once and rarely be mentioned again, even though it's constantly evolving. Whereas, newspapers and other hard-news type vehicles actually do have lots of follow ups about the same topic (at least when a story is hot), though they have a tendency to lose interest quickly, as well. (Anyway, don't take this comment as an indication that I want to get into that debate again.)