Fortune: Red Herring Founder Unveils 'Super-Blog' for Business Geeks

"And here's the most revolutionary thing about AlwaysOn: Perkins has put his entire member database into the customer management service of When somebody signs up, their info—including, at a minimum, name, title, company, zip code, and favorite URL—goes directly into Salesforce. Most people voluntarily include significantly more. Then Perkins gives his advertisers and sponsors real-time (perhaps we should call it 'always-on') access to his membership database by giving them accounts."

Wow, my first thought on reading that was that I should have read the AlwaysOn privacy policy before signing up. And then I did read the privacy policy. It only talks about aggregate information shared with third parties. I don't know exactly what the advertisers can see through, but I'd be surprised if it's only aggregate information, from the way it sounds. It sounds more like a blatant violation. What's up, Tony?