This must be what we're talking about

I just got back from L.A. To explain the last couple posts, more clearly: I was at the Live from the Blogosphere Rhizome event last night, which was really cool, btw (more on that later). I drove down to go to the panel and hang out. While I was on stage, I got a call from Jason. I didn't answer it, of course, but I had a suspicion why he might be calling at 9pm or so on a Saturday night (he's a family man, you know). I picked up my computer from the floor, hopped on wi-fi, and found Dan's story. I knew he was going to break it in the paper today, but I didn't think it'd be online until late, so I couldn't talk about it. I made the post below, and then, in response after the last question from the audience, I asked Beverly, who was running the laptop connected to the projector, to go to my site and then click on the holy crap link. Everyone got quiet for a second while they read "Google buys Pyra." Doc said "holy shit."

It was the coolest culmination and synchronicity, wirelessness, and instantaneous publishing.

I haven't been online since that moment until right now.