I'm at AD:Tech this afternoon, speaking on a panel about the new social web with Rick Bruner, Heath Row, and Adrian Scott.
Stop by if you're there.
Also: AD:TECHblog
Also (4:50 PM): Mena Trott and David Reis were on the panel. (I didn't mention Mena before because we're cut-throat competitors, and I didn't want to acknowledge her existence. But then I thought better of it when Mena pointed it out during the panel.)
4:54 PM: The above will be one of those things I say ironically but some people won't know that's what I'm doing. That's fun. (I'm glad I don't have to turn on comments for every post.)
BTW (4:59 PM): The panel is over now.
Stop by if you're there.
Also: AD:TECHblog
Also (4:50 PM): Mena Trott and David Reis were on the panel. (I didn't mention Mena before because we're cut-throat competitors, and I didn't want to acknowledge her existence. But then I thought better of it when Mena pointed it out during the panel.)
4:54 PM: The above will be one of those things I say ironically but some people won't know that's what I'm doing. That's fun. (I'm glad I don't have to turn on comments for every post.)
BTW (4:59 PM): The panel is over now.