

craigslist: "I can get Google stock -- date me!"

Online Extra: What Eric Schmidt Found at Google

Blogger T-Shirts: The Blogging T-Shirt More Drummers Prefer

About those Gmail invites

Web "blogs" and the chasm

Ross Mayfield's Weblog: Foundership

Buzby Wetherdeal reports in from the road

On showing up late

Uh-oh, we've been botspotted!

Blogger to the Gmail

INBOX: The Email Event

"We got bored with Friendster too. That's why we built"

Netflix' Price Increase Bluff and Other Woes

Skype Economics :: AO

The Fuss About Gmail and Privacy: Nine Reasons Why It's Bogus

Google Responds: A few words about privacy and Gmail

Blog title/tagline of the day


Evan vs. Jack

Word of the day: collywobbles

CNET: EarthLink and eBay...stretching a bit

Happy Powered Cream Donuts Day!

I'm not going to say it's a trend, but...

O'Reilly Network: GUI Programming is Hard

Feed now fresh!

Sporadic Blogroll

Doc Searls: He can keep more balls on the floor than anyone he knows

Coin Operated Wi-Fi

Erik Benson: 100 things to do before I die

G to the Spot

Kinja, the weblog guide

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